Echoes of Loss: A Skeptic’s Grief

Will your beliefs change after experiencing loss?

I was an atheist.

Time’s up, mortal.

Then my husband died.

Let me explain…

After my 16 year old step brother tragically died I became an atheist.

During that time, it was difficult to believe in a God who could take away a young, beautiful, innocent life.

My mind grappled with accepting that the opposite of karma was chaos. Because karmically speaking, he didn’t deserve to die. It was an obsessive thought that in some ways made it even more difficult to accept the reality of his death.

I could get hurt again if I let myself feel and be complete. This kept me empty and shallow inside.

All of this came full circle when my husband died. Spoiler alert, I got hurt while feeling empty and shallow.

There is a saying…

“There are no atheists in a fox hole (aka trench warfare).”

My friend Father Alexander Gibbs shared this with me.

This applies for losing a loved one

Death an grief can lead some atheists to turn towards spirituality for comfort, driven by the intense emotional need to find solace and meaning in the loss.

Maybe you will find yourself drawn to the idea of an afterlife or higher power when confronted with the death of a loved one. It is comforting to believe your loved one is in a better place.

Spirituality doesn’t necessarily mean religious.

To be spiritual is to have a sense of connection with something greater than oneself. A quest for purpose and significance beyond everyday existence. And an exploration of love, compassion, wisdom, and truth.

This isn’t the only definition, and it is different for everyone.

The biggest silver lining that came out of my husband’s death was finding spirituality. Developing communication lines with the universe. And doing trust falls with the universe | higher power | spirit | God | or how ever you wish to call it

Side note: God was such a trigger word & turn off for me for a very long time. If this is you I totally understand where you are coming from and I respect that.

My purpose now is to be there for others who are on a similar journey.

You are not alone on this path.

I am starting an online community for grieving souls.

If this sounds like something you might be interested in you have two options…

1. You can reply to this email so we can discuss in further detail.

2. You can grab a time slot so we can chat: 

Until next time,

Afterlife Midwife | Grieving Souls Club


or to participate.